
A naturalist! Natural hair that is….

Many people are always surprised to find out I have natural hair! Yes you might not see it but it is there.

My mama (please her soul) always wanted me to have natural hair when she decided she was done with chemicals in her more than 25 years ago but of course I didn’t listen because back in the day it wasn’t cool to have kinky hair. Every one wanted pin straight sleek easy to comb hair! Plus there just weren’t products in the market for our hair type!!

Fast forward to 2015 I became an unintentional naturalist. The last time I had relaxer applied to my hair was November 2014! Yes almost 5 years

Getting the hair fried (aka relaxing)

I just didn’t have the time to drive at least 45 mins each way plus the 2-3 hours it took to get my hair done every two to three months with a little new born to take care of. And after not relaxing for about a year let’s just say my hair made the journey

Mid way. Part relaxed. Part natural

Now I have a big Afro which I’m very proud of. There are many products on the market geared towards our hair type and this makes life so much easier plus I don’t stress if water touches my hair because water is your friend when you have natural hair.

I’m still quite a lazy naturalist which is why I wear a wig most week days because I would rather sleep in or go for a quick walk than spend an hour in the morning getting my Afro tamed to meet the world

The wigs always come out to help the lazy naturalist

It helps that I have the same hair as my child as it is a big challenge raising a girl child in a fashion conscious world who doesn’t understand why her hair cannot be like Elsa’s or Rapunzel’s! Yes I’ve been asked that more than once.

Afro chics

Afro chics

We wear our hair with pride …

3 responses to “Becoming…

  1. The complications of hair! But you are looking good!

  2. Love it!
    I’m always telling Nicola God made every person beautiful in their own way. Just own it, it’s all yours. 😉

  3. For some really odd reason, I think this is my first visit to your blog!! I love your natural hair. I love that your daughter is being a mini-you and the way you have embraced instead of trying to conform.

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