Currently I am …

Julia did this and I thought I would copy again (yes again, I was checking and I realised she did it last year and then I copied too.  The previous one is here,  I found it weird that some things there are still the same. INTERESTING

So here we go, 2014 edition of Currently I am …

Reading: The June editions of the Watch.Tower and Awake! and Sanc.tuary: How an inner-city church spilled onto a sidewalk by Christa Kil.juan

Listening to: A compilation of 31 gospel songs – I labeled “Train” playlist. I listen to this most mornings during my daily commute to work. Helps set my mind right for the work day ahead. And I have a new favourite song for walking – – by Para.more (I put this song on repeat and listen to it for the length of time I do my walk)

Music Compilation

Music Compilation

Laughing at: My daughter who has suddenly realized she is mobile and moves around everywhere (backwards on her tummy). Not good for my nerves but she’s growing. And that also means I now get loads of blurry pictures before I get good one…

Swooning over: Beautiful winter weather (yes it is cold, but remember I prefer winter to summer any day) and some gorgeous IG feeds

Crisp blue sky! No filters used. But it was coooold

Crisp blue sky! No filters used. But it was coooold

Planning: To make an appointment to see a Dr later today to check out my right ear (it aches badly), and register for about 6 different walking events

Eating lots of: Chewing gum (my new favourite is Sti.morol Sensations – straw.berry+cit.rus flavoured layered gum! It is tangy just the way I like. And the last of the summer grapes


Feeling: Blessed that my little miss is not having any teething related issues (the two bottom teeth are popping out already) aside from chewing everything that comes within her reach and a bit of loss of appetite, but I am not worried as we still get enough wet diapers.

Louisa took this picture of her chewing her own sock. She pulled it off her foot and started chewing it

Louisa took this picture of her chewing her own sock. She pulled it off her foot and started chewing it

Discovering: That plus helps me walk longer distances than I normally would. Seems I am a visual person. I did 9.5km on Saturday morning even though it was 1C (34F) when I started

Early saturday morning walk.. Yes it was 1C when I left home

Early saturday morning walk.. Yes it was 1C when I left home

Looking at: my computer and typing this (LOL)

Wearing: Lots of flat shoes (sadly, need to wear flats for another few months to allow my ankle heal properly), this is a big problem for me, I wore 3 inch heels at 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant so you know this is a big problem for me

Cooking: I am at work now, but I made pasta last night, which I am also having for lunch in a few hours

Wondering: About too many things – very random thought like “why do bad things happen to good people” and why do good things happen to “bad” people…

Trying out: hmmm, do I really need to be trying out anything


What are you currently doing? Please share one or two

14 responses to “Currently I am …

  1. Are you a Witness..? Thinking about downloading the Nike plus app..

    • No!!! I just love the articles in the publications.

      If you are like me downloading the app makes a big difference. It kind of let”s me push myself a bit

  2. Currently I’m having lunch so I can have my antibiotic and jump into bed!

  3. I am going to do a similar post soon. Your little princess is way cute…and I often wonder why bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

  4. Reading: Louisiana Longshot – I am having a good giggle at the main character, she reminds me a bit of myself!
    Planning: The big hospital drop. We’ve delivered the first LOT of goodies today and next week we go again with the beds and the rest. Hard word, but still easier than re-doing an entire school like last year!
    Feeling: pretty damn good, except that I really don’t like winter.
    Laughing at: I’ve found the silver lining to having an illiterate stalker is that they’ll never find me online hahahaha!

    Your Miss K is absolutely adorable. 🙂

  5. I am going to do this too – I need some blogging inspiration. Your little one is gorgeous!

  6. I found you! Thanks to Pam. Had no idea u blogged too. Yes, been living under my rock for too long.

    your baba is too cute.

    Would love to see what u have on yr playlist – need some new music during my long drives daily.

    Have also reverted to flats. Farming and high heels just doesn’t work too well together!

    I have a private blog so mail me if u feel like more reading material.


  7. Ha. I LOVE the pic with K eating her sock! I am reading Paula by Isabelle Allende and I am wondering why the staff turnover at Joel’s school is so high. His teacher has just resigned. Also two of the tutors. Also the Grade 2 teacher. Am wondering if I need to chat to the principal about this. What do you think? Is it my place?
    Also. I am wearing my GORGEOUS new pyjamas and LOVING it!

  8. Eating: garri and groundnut 🙂

    Heels at 39 weeks? that’s totally gangster! I vowed to stay hot and fashionable throughout my pregnancy but I don’t think it worked out quite like that. LOL!

    • You were carrying twins!!!! That in it self is hard work!!!! I am sure you still stayed as hot as you could be 🙂

      I really did feel like garri and ground nut last night but realised no epa from Nija 😦

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