Category Archives: Photography

I Graduated …

Not in the school sense but from a walker to a wogger/wrunner, yes that word is in my personal dictionary 😆 😆

Wog = Walk + Jog
Wrun = Walk + Run


A blogger I follow always said she wogs and I never understood it but now I do, it’s that exercise where you are going faster than a walk but not fast enough to be a run ( you are welcome, now you know) 

A few stats: I started tracking in May 2014. To date I’ve recorded 990km. I thought I would hit the 1000km mark by end of March, but #nothappening 🙂 I don’t see myself doing a 10km wrun or walk today


total distance as at today

longest distance recorded

Though I don’t see this happening soon again. My comfort zone is anywhere between 12 and 15km!!! which I usually only attempt on Saturday mornings and public holidays. During the week I aim for 4-7km depending on how early I start. 

a beautiful day with clear blue skies

One of the things I like about being outdoors, you see things you won’t ordinarily notice!!  The stunning South African sunrises and sunsets 

A jacaranda tree holding on to the last of its purple flowers – taken at the end of January 

And the nosey part of me loves looking at people’s houses and imagining what goes on there. You can tell the people who spend extra time on their lawns! Ha ha ha ha 

With my history of knee and ankle injury and surgery I know not to push myself too hard, and I don’t but I push hard enough for me. I definitely would not be winning any racing competition anytime soon (never never ever more like it) at the speed I go but I’m happy I can get out and run! And have you seen some of the professional walkers – damn they are fast!!! I don’t even try to keep up with them

 I always have time to stop to “smell the roses ” LOL more like to take a few pictures

november 2014



march 2015


sunrise , last saturday

Another thing I’m doing which is a shock even to me is running on the treadmill!!! I still can’t believe I’m on a treadmill – not my favourite gym equipment but I’m using it!! And actually running!! Me, unbelievable !!! And running seriously, I have a love hate relationship with that particular equipment

me, on a treadmill

My hubby still can’t wrap his head around this, he wonders why I would want to use my legs for over 10km when I have a perfectly working car 😆 😆 it is addic.tive but a good addic.tion 

I got new running pants with zipped pockets – I need to be  able to carry my keys and phone with me and hello… I can’t be without tissue. What I didn’t bargain for was how much the types I was looking for cost, I felt the pinch in my pocket but it was worth the cost. I can feel the difference in comfort. Guess that is all that matters. And one big discovery I’m not brand loyal – I can be seen in an adi.das/Nike top, a  Ree.bok/ pants and an asi.cs/reebok  shoes depending on my mood. 

Is there anything you thought you couldn’t do that you now do? Anything not just exercise wise. Are you a runner or walker? do you prefer outdoor or indoor running? 

Another Silent Sunday …






{Saturday Snapshot} looking for beauty ….

Joining my dear friend Marcia for this month edition of saturday snapshots (late though)

Beauty… I’ve always believed beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if we look well we might see something beautiful in the ordinary


Just an ordinary map of Africa? Naaaa it’s made from leaves of a book (or books) I was super impressed!


My sis saw this as messy. I saw a bowl of yummy dessert! Carefully put together with so much attention to details – ice cream with meringue, raspberries, edible flowers, nut brittles edible gold dusts, nectarines and peaches – YUMMY


Best pic of K I could get with the Santa hat on properly. My phone decided to act up so that’s what I got but I love it


Ordinary street signs! Yes but I can’t help but notice it’s B and C (I’m
Nerdy like that) plus down the road there’s Amanda and Diana streets


This must be a lot of hard work. This plant’s Mohawk is always in place all year round not to talk of the eyes, nose and mouth and currently the Mohawk is adorned with some Christmas lights!

And there are my five.

Hope you had a great weekend and you are not caught in all the “crazy” of this time of year?

{Monochrome Monday} on Wednesday…

Marcia is currently doing a monochrome Monday theme. She has some stunning pictures up (definitely more variety than I do) 🙂 🙂

Before I knew better I used to take lots of black and white pictures, then a photographer friend told me to rather take it in colour and use available software to change colors if I want to. Now that’s what I do…

Enough talking, some pictures







And yes I love selfies…. Please tell me I am not alone 😆 😆

Hope you are having a good week?

Saturday Snapshots {TEXTURE}…

Only more than a few days late! I’m using the mantra better late than never. Joining Marcia as usual for this month’s challenge









IMG_2256.JPG the sky is so smooth I feel like I could rub my cheeks against it

Hope you are having a good week? I am but I’m exhausted and need the weekend to be here like yesterday.

Enjoy what’s left of the week xxx

{Saturday Snapshots} PATTERNS

Joining the lovely Marcia for our now monthly photo challenge. The challenge for this month is PATTERNS

These batch of pictures were all taken today







And these at random times




I hope you are having a nice and restful weekend. Hope you play along xxx

Something I learnt…bubhub

Every now and then different departments in my office have a departmental week, a few weeks back it was the turn of the security dept. as expected they had some security experts come in to give 1 hour talks! I was skeptical but I needed the short break (don’t tell my boss)- and went ahead to listen . Very low turn out because no food or drinks were served (that’s always a good draw card)

Wow!!! I learnt I lot and got a big fright at some of the things they said. If you live in SA you know security is a big issue anyway…

Here are some of the things

I leave my house keys in the car and my GPS – no big deal! The big deal is I set home on the GPS to my house – yikes I never thought about it! Now I’ve deleted home from my GPS because really I’m sure I can’t get lost going to my house and if I did, I can set the GPS to somewhere close enough that I can still find the direction home! Lesson learnt


Second lesson always have flat/running shoes in the car, if your car breaks down and no help is nearby at least have shoes that you can walk a few Kilometers in if necessary

Never let your fuel tank go less than half ( I aim for quarter) in case you are being followed and you need to keep driving . And for that have a plan ahead of time, and know the direction to your nearest police station

Try use different routes when you drive home and always pay attention to your surrounds (many of us are guilty of being on auto pilot when we drive home especially after a long day at work)

if you feel you are being followed try change route and see if the car follows you, slow down enough to be able to see the occupants and the license plate no! This one is hard especially if it is in the dark because seriously looking at the plate number of another car would be the least of my worries. However, if feel I’m being followed I just keep driving

If you have a security system (alarm, electric fence etc) at home test it periodically to make sure it works and that all members of your household know how it works and most importantly where the panic button is. What is the use of having a security system if it doesn’t work or members of the household don’t know how it operates.

If you are being hijacked and it is not at gunpoint, ram the car into a gate or wall (if it is safe to do so) the hijacker (if he is after your car probably doesn’t want a damaged car) and also make sure once kids are old enough they are schooled not too argue or start whining when they are given instructions by mom or dad (or a caregiver) in a situation that seems dangerous

One many women are guilty of – get in the car and drop your bag on the passenger seat!!! Aim to either have it under your seat or preferably in the boot. Number one reason for smash and grab-is to smash your windows and grab your bag or cellphone

And now with smart phones most of us (we know ourselves) always feel the need to be “on” all the time ! Good but be safe. I’m sure you can wait for a few minutes to get home or to the office or where ever you are heading. Nothing is serious enough that it can’t wait. I think as a people we have gotten more lax with security especially as it concerns phone. I see lots of people during my commute who are glued to their phone or tablets and not just on the train, even while walking. Seems we have forgotten about the dangers lurking around – pickpockets about everywhere

And one last one I remember – when you are trying to surrender, avoid eye contact with the perpetrators and if asked to hands up (if you are taller than said human) raise your hands to your shoulders – not above your head as you get even much taller if hands are raised up completely above your head – hmmm I found this very interesting.

I am sure there were more tips but I didn’t write down (as is usual for me). These tips I remember from off hand.

If this helps just one person then I’m very happy! Do you have anything else you would add?





Just some random beautiful sights on my morning 7km walk yesterday

Ps: the not sure where the bubhub came from but well it sounded rad so I left it

{Saturday Snapshots} on Monday … GREEN

I love these challenges… The challenge was Green- which was kind of easy seeing that it was spring – or at least it was meant to be easy but surely I can’t just post pictures of trees

Anyway here we go

NEW School! OLD School

Very fancy and shiny car


Not so fancy car…



My favourite drink with a slice of lime


Seen around! A “Mohawk”tree


Under the cot is such a fun place to play

I crossed the 250KM on 15/08 and between then and now I’ve done another 78KM. I need to up my game and hit my 100KM/ month target . I did 90km in August helped by my 2 long walks on the last day of the month ! 13.4KM in the morning and 7.2KM in the afternoon !!! Yikes how do people do marathons. I had a blister by the end of it all

A very green post box

Isn’t this tree just gorgeous!!! That’s the natural colour – no filters . New leaves on a once bare and brown tree


Isn’t this “park” just stunning


Hope you had a nice weekend? We did but it was too hooooooot!!!

I felt like I was going to melt or roast!!! Yes I hate summer heat and it is only just the beginning of spring!!!

Have a wonderful week ahead xxx

{Saturday Snapshots} BLUE

Joking my dear Marcia. on our colour adventure… This week it’s all about the blues 🙂

Blue as far as the eyes can see… Women’s race with about 25000 walkers


Two love-birds with a gorgeous blue sky backdrop



Seen around… Blue roofs

Disco night .. Naaaa e-toll gantry . Except it looks more purplish than blue but I promise you – it is blue

My blue water bottle



A lone blue bike – seen around

MandyE just for A and B!!!




My first birthday present in 2014 from the lovely Miss Marcia


“Virgin electric lemonade” from mom’s birthday 2014

A little confession, I was dreading BLUE as it seemed like a difficult colour to picture aside from the sky! But who knew there was so much blue lurking around ….
Thanks once again for hosting Marcia