Tag Archives: Photography

{Saturday Snapshot} looking for beauty ….

Joining my dear friend Marcia for this month edition of saturday snapshots (late though)

Beauty… I’ve always believed beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if we look well we might see something beautiful in the ordinary


Just an ordinary map of Africa? Naaaa it’s made from leaves of a book (or books) I was super impressed!


My sis saw this as messy. I saw a bowl of yummy dessert! Carefully put together with so much attention to details – ice cream with meringue, raspberries, edible flowers, nut brittles edible gold dusts, nectarines and peaches – YUMMY


Best pic of K I could get with the Santa hat on properly. My phone decided to act up so that’s what I got but I love it


Ordinary street signs! Yes but I can’t help but notice it’s B and C (I’m
Nerdy like that) plus down the road there’s Amanda and Diana streets


This must be a lot of hard work. This plant’s Mohawk is always in place all year round not to talk of the eyes, nose and mouth and currently the Mohawk is adorned with some Christmas lights!

And there are my five.

Hope you had a great weekend and you are not caught in all the “crazy” of this time of year?

{Monochrome Monday} on Wednesday…

Marcia is currently doing a monochrome Monday theme. She has some stunning pictures up (definitely more variety than I do) 🙂 🙂

Before I knew better I used to take lots of black and white pictures, then a photographer friend told me to rather take it in colour and use available software to change colors if I want to. Now that’s what I do…

Enough talking, some pictures







And yes I love selfies…. Please tell me I am not alone 😆 😆

Hope you are having a good week?

Saturday Snapshots {TEXTURE}…

Only more than a few days late! I’m using the mantra better late than never. Joining Marcia as usual for this month’s challenge









IMG_2256.JPG the sky is so smooth I feel like I could rub my cheeks against it

Hope you are having a good week? I am but I’m exhausted and need the weekend to be here like yesterday.

Enjoy what’s left of the week xxx

{Saturday Snapshots} BLUE

Joking my dear Marcia. on our colour adventure… This week it’s all about the blues 🙂

Blue as far as the eyes can see… Women’s race with about 25000 walkers


Two love-birds with a gorgeous blue sky backdrop



Seen around… Blue roofs

Disco night .. Naaaa e-toll gantry . Except it looks more purplish than blue but I promise you – it is blue

My blue water bottle



A lone blue bike – seen around

MandyE just for A and B!!!




My first birthday present in 2014 from the lovely Miss Marcia


“Virgin electric lemonade” from mom’s birthday 2014

A little confession, I was dreading BLUE as it seemed like a difficult colour to picture aside from the sky! But who knew there was so much blue lurking around ….
Thanks once again for hosting Marcia

{Saturday Snapshot} RED

Joining Marcia again this week for Saturday Snapshot. Go check out Mandy’s post too

My red pictures…. As usual all taken with my phone


Testing out a birthday present from Robyn on my birthday. RED lipstick


Shiny RED old school car…


My sis got bombed RED at the colour run


Open-mouthed concentration “driving” the RED tractor




Spring is in the air! Though with the temps today you would think winter was just starting. It was 1C (34F) at 7am

How are you doing? Hope having a good weekend?

Saturday Snapshot {YELLOW}

I practically begged Marcia to bring back the Saturday snapshots! Yes I like photo challenges. I’m currently doing 2 on Instagram – fmsphotoaday and augustbreak2014! And I’m loving it, some days are easier than others but that is part of the fun and some days I forget to post or just can’t find the right pictures which means on some days I catch up and post multiple pictures .

For this challenge, my challenge (pun intended 🙂 ) to myself was find “yellow” pictures from my haul of over 2000 on my phone . Yes I need to clean it up! All the pictures there are backed up aside from the ones I took today.

Let the fun begin – usually the rule is post only 5 pictures, but today I’m posting more

Yellow colour station at the colour run

A”dirty” K sitting on her puzzle mat after a day out at a dairy farm

G’s yellow ball was a hit with K earlier today

Me, after going through the yellow station at a colour run

Door sign at the baby clinic + 2 is one of my favourite numbers

Yellow dial on a 36 year old fisher price mobile. Got this from my mom last week! She used this for me as a baby. How awesome is that. Plus I have my bed bumper and blanket! Coincidentally both yellow!

Winter Sunset!

K playing with her colour book









Ps: posting from my phone! Not sure how to add captions to pictures.
Used to be more straightforward . Will fix it during the week, but for now this would do

Ps: be a sport and post at least one yellow thing 🙂

Ps: hope you are having a good weekend

This made me chuckle…


Don't you just love the colours of fall/Autumn

Don’t you just love the colours of fall/Autumn

“The list of things toddlers dislike is lengthy: cereal on the floor, cereal in a bowl, cereal in the wrong bowl, cereal in a bowl at the wrong time, the wrong cereal in the right bowl, the right cereal in the right bowl at the wrong table… the list continues for days. Toddlers are fickle little creatures, full of boundless energy and opinions they can’t always express” 😆 😆 😆 😆

Image courtesy of csftl.org

The ddreaded tantrum! Image courtesy of csftl.org

This was a post about changing kids to forward facing car seats too soon because they hate the rear facing car seat…

Then this landed in my inbox today and I laughed so much I had tears rolling down my eyes: http://www.naijahusband.com/2014/07/08/married-woman-natural-hair/ 

I could relate because my cousin’s wife and my sister are on the natural hair journey and I have heard my cousin and my mom at different times complain about the various concoctions that gets made all in the hair of this natural hair journey…


It was blistering cold when I took this picture (I think 0C - 32F) but the sky was just the perfect shade of blue

It was blistering cold when I took this picture (I think 0C – 32F) but the sky was just the perfect shade of blue


July Photo a day Challenge 1…

Hope you all had a nice weekend? I did just too busy.

I decided to do the photo a day challenge and I must tell you it is fun. Though some of the challenges are a real challenge. I’ve been doing it on IG so far but decided to post the pictures here too. Will post every few days in one post though I do try to post daily on IG.

Day 1 – red and white. I interpreted this as red and white in honour of Canada day. In case you didn’t know July 1st is Canada day and Canada’s flag is red and white


Day 2 – something beginning with K – no I didn’t do the obvious and post a picture of my child but it was still easy peasy I use a keyboard at work daily so I did the obvious


This wasn’t the picture I used on IG but this just seems more artsy 🙂

Day 3 – match

This required some digging and I ended up with this


That was a box of matches that we gave away as a souvenir from our wedding many moons ago

Day 4- Stars. This seemed a bit obvious to me. It was 4th of July and the US Independence Day . I couldn’t find something with 50 stars but I had the star light from K’s night light


And on this day K also turned 8 months.


I caught her in the moment playing and her hand was on the number 8 and I thought how perfect is that picture for the day she turned 8 months!

This child of mine is busy and wants to see everything and touch everything and be everywhere. Don’t ask me who she takes after. Let’s just say her father is a gentle soul. It seems the days of getting posed- type pictures for our monthly pictures are gone. I had to get creative and stuck the milestone stickers on her back and bum




Day 5- on the table- this was apt as we were the house of plague ill for a week or so and I had my stash of meds on the changing table


And day 6 – View


My poor K was feeling very poorly and I was just too glad she got some sleep

And that was the first 6 days of the challenge. I like challenges like this because it requires some creativity and thinking outside the box and also because it forces me to take intentional pictures and blog more often as well

More pictures coming during the week

Have a wonderful and great week ahead xxx

Currently I am …

Julia did this and I thought I would copy again (yes again, I was checking and I realised she did it last year and then I copied too.  The previous one is here,  I found it weird that some things there are still the same. INTERESTING

So here we go, 2014 edition of Currently I am …

Reading: The June editions of the Watch.Tower and Awake! and Sanc.tuary: How an inner-city church spilled onto a sidewalk by Christa Kil.juan

Listening to: A compilation of 31 gospel songs – I labeled “Train” playlist. I listen to this most mornings during my daily commute to work. Helps set my mind right for the work day ahead. And I have a new favourite song for walking – Still.into.you – by Para.more (I put this song on repeat and listen to it for the length of time I do my walk)

Music Compilation

Music Compilation

Laughing at: My daughter who has suddenly realized she is mobile and moves around everywhere (backwards on her tummy). Not good for my nerves but she’s growing. And that also means I now get loads of blurry pictures before I get good one…

Swooning over: Beautiful winter weather (yes it is cold, but remember I prefer winter to summer any day) and some gorgeous IG feeds

Crisp blue sky! No filters used. But it was coooold

Crisp blue sky! No filters used. But it was coooold

Planning: To make an appointment to see a Dr later today to check out my right ear (it aches badly), and register for about 6 different walking events

Eating lots of: Chewing gum (my new favourite is Sti.morol Sensations – straw.berry+cit.rus flavoured layered gum! It is tangy just the way I like. And the last of the summer grapes


Feeling: Blessed that my little miss is not having any teething related issues (the two bottom teeth are popping out already) aside from chewing everything that comes within her reach and a bit of loss of appetite, but I am not worried as we still get enough wet diapers.

Louisa took this picture of her chewing her own sock. She pulled it off her foot and started chewing it

Louisa took this picture of her chewing her own sock. She pulled it off her foot and started chewing it

Discovering: That Ni.ke plus helps me walk longer distances than I normally would. Seems I am a visual person. I did 9.5km on Saturday morning even though it was 1C (34F) when I started

Early saturday morning walk.. Yes it was 1C when I left home

Early saturday morning walk.. Yes it was 1C when I left home

Looking at: my computer and typing this (LOL)

Wearing: Lots of flat shoes (sadly, need to wear flats for another few months to allow my ankle heal properly), this is a big problem for me, I wore 3 inch heels at 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant so you know this is a big problem for me

Cooking: I am at work now, but I made pasta last night, which I am also having for lunch in a few hours

Wondering: About too many things – very random thought like “why do bad things happen to good people” and why do good things happen to “bad” people…

Trying out: hmmm, do I really need to be trying out anything


What are you currently doing? Please share one or two

Bipolar Weather…

Julia and I were chatting yesterday about the weather (doesn’t that feel like such a very grown up thing to do 😉 😉 ) and I was telling her the weather was a bit undecided dark grey and cloudy on one side and blue on the other side and a mix somewhere in between. She said maybe the weather was Bipolar!

Here’s proof

One side –


If you look on the bottom right you’ll see notice “silver lining” in the grey sky

Marcia I always think of you every time I see grey skies and today was no exception

In between:


Grey and blue sky coming together

Another side with simply gorgeous blue sky with thick white clouds


I was standing on the same spot when all three pictures were taken. All I did was turn in 3 different directions.

So I do agree maybe the weather was “tripolar” Ha! Ha!! Ha!!!

And it did eventually rain. I heard it (luckily I was indoors when the heavens eventually opened up) and was told it was super heavy.

Such beauty in nature.
Do you notice the beauty that is nature on a regular basis?

Hope you had a nice weekend? Have a fantastic week ahead