Monthly Archives: March 2013

The bunny is around the corner…

Well, Easter is finally upon us, felt like yesterday I was running around for Christmas and ushering in the New Year. Time really does fly (though I am not sure I like the idea of Easter in March, can’t Easter always be in April)

I went into the mall earlier to get a gift bag and I was amazed when I saw this…

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Doesn't this look like a scene from a cartoon

Doesn’t this look like a scene from a cartoon


…. I didn’t know there was usually such a big fanfare (or in this case chocolate fare) for Easter. Now I wish I was a dentist or a chocolatier. 


I have never associated Easter with chocolates or hot cross buns until very recently, though I still don’t buy either. I tasted some  chocolate hot cross buns and it was yummy!!! Easter growing up was always about going to church and watching the resurrection play and spending time with the family


And my office also gave us this today…

Chocolate Bunny

Chocolate Bunny


This long 4 day weekend, I intend to relax a lot and go to boot camp at least twice 5.15am (not really looking forward to that though)


So what are you up to, this Easter and long weekend?


Have a wonderful and restful  Easter (if you celebrate) and please be safe xxx

A post about nothing

so true!!!! on a board in a clinic cafe

so true!!!! on a board in a clinic cafe

Just some random on this wet Saturday evening

Hope you are having a good weekend so far?


looks yummy, my friend's dessert

looks yummy, my friend’s dessert

No, I don’t have the flu…

If I got a dollar every time I said these words, I think I would be a millionaire by now! Ok I’m exaggerating but you get the drift 😆

I know people around here like to call a common cold the flu, but I can never get used to it (and I refuse to get used to it). There’s a very very big difference between a cold or in my case sinusitis and hay fever/allergies.

So, no I don’t have the flu, I usually have a cold or a bad case of sinusitis 99% of the time 😆 :lol

Ps: you know I always always have to have a picture or two or more, so here are two, one from sunset today and the other from sunrise a week ago

Hope you are having a good week so far?

Sunset earlier today while taking Caesar on a walk

Sunset earlier today while taking Caesar on a walk

Sunrise last Wednesday

Sunrise last Wednesday

Move it…

Our photo challenge for March is MOVEMENT. Not an easy task, because how do you capture movement in pictures, but  this is one theme I was very much looking forward to. Can’t wait to see all the different interpretations of this theme.

The usual rules apply… 5 pics  and an added rule for this theme pictures taken from different vantage points.

Closing Ceremony at AF.CON 2013

Closing Ceremony at AF.CON 2013 taken from my vantage point at the stadium

Electrifyin atmosphere

Electrifying atmosphere, I literally sat on my edge of my seat all through the game except of course when the goal was scored- I choose the wrong time to answer the call of nature  😉  😉  🙂  🙂

If you can bear the noise (I had ear plugs) and the crowd, nothing beats watching a soccer game live. Though if you are like my hubby anything more than 10 people will scare the beje.sus out of you 🙂 plus he says he doesn’t want to watch people kicking around a ball for 90 mins (good thing he doesn’t like cricket either)

A gaggle tanning after a dip

A gaggle tanning after a dip. These geese all go into the water for a quick dip and then  line up facing the sun and go back in for a dip again then tan again. Must be so much fun. Good I didn’t end up in the water while trying to get this picture

Did you know that a flock of geese, if not in flight, is sometimes called a GAGGLE. Now you know 🙂

Commuters at the train station One of my favourite past time is people watching.... I try to imagine what is going on in people's minds as they go about their normal everyday activities

Commuters at the train station
One of my favourite past time is people watching…. I try to imagine what is going on in people’s minds as they go about their normal everyday activities this picture I took coming down the stairs while rushing to catch the train(as usual)

Another one of my people watching exercise   ;-)   ;-)

Another one of my people watching exercise 😉 😉 I took this while doing a not so fast walk on the treadmill – I have a love/hate relationship with this particular gym equipment, I would rather walk outdoors

Hope you will join the photo fun? 


Have a lovely weekend xxx

Another 8km …

…or MORE

The excuses I made for not doing 10km at the sun “not” rise monster were:

  • I did a 10km the weekend before
  • I will do 8km the day after

very very valid excuses (or not) 😉 😉

So bright and early last Sunday morning I made my way to the Zoo lake to take part in an 8km race walk in support of hospice (you all know by now I don’t run). What I liked everything from the view to the crowd and the cause, what I didn’t like about doing the 8km you do the same 4km route twice – not good for picture-taking if you ask me 😉 😉 – but I did it and of course got loads of pictures in the process

Everytime I am this venue, I take a picture of this view :-)

Everytime I am at this venue, I take a picture of this view 🙂

Same view as above from another angle

Same view as above from another angle

People setting up their artwork

People setting up their artwork. In Jacaranda season, the view at the top is dotted with purple

More people setting up for the Sunday market

More people setting up for the Sunday market

By the time I was done, the sun was just coming it's own. Good timing

By the time I was done, the sun was just making its way out to been hot. Good timing

I had to take this for comparison purposes. Last time I was here this tree was brown...

I had to take this for comparison purposes. Last time I was here this tree was brown…

Later in the day, I looked out my window and this was what I saw. Too good to stay indoors!

I am just in awe of sunsets

I am just in awe of sunsets

What do you do when the weather is beautiful, take the dogs walking. PS: I do put my dog on a leash until we get to this mini park where I release him if the park is empty

Take the dog walking.
PS: I do put my dog on a leash until we get to this mini park where I release him if the park is empty

More sunset

More sunset

And to end the day

Catch up on the

Catch up on the

 What a day! I would do it again in a flash though

Hope you are joining us for the Monthly Photo Challenge? The theme for this month is MOVEMENT

Have a nice weekend!

Sun ‘not’ Rise Monster…

As I do on most Saturday mornings in Summer, last Saturday I headed out for a race. This race is one of the toughest around because there are two seriously steep hills along the way, though once you conquer the two hills, it is all downhill from there. It is called the Sun.rise Mon.ster and trust me the name is very very appropriate.  I always do the baby Monster which is 5km, for the very brave there is 10km Mini Monster and for the  crazy extremely brave runners there is the ultimate 32km ( I call them crazy brave because a friend who runs marathons and has done the comrades a couple of times, says she would rather do a 56km than do this 32km)

Last weekend, the sun didn’t rise, hence the title of my post

The Sun just refused to rise

The Sun just refused to rise

Anyway, at the second hill last weekend, there was a man in wheel chair, there was no way he could have gone up that hill (every time I am at a race in that neighborhood, I wonder how the residents drive up and down the hill -would be good for learning to drive a manual car though) so my friend and I decided stupidly bravely to give him a helping hand, all good no problems there, until another man decided we could not walk up and  pushed us from behind up the hill, which meant we had to run. Mind you when I do this races, I walk most of the way because I know I can walk 10km or more, but I can not run 1km even if my life depended on it (ok maybe if it did I would be able to). So after the hill, I had to slow down considerable and ended up doing 5km in 51 mins, which is baaaaaaaad.

I made a big realisation in the process, I should not attempt to run, just walk briskly as I always do, slow down when I feel like it and enjoy the scenery as I go along and take my tonnes of random pictures while at it (my consolation, if I was running I would never get these pictures  🙂  😉    )

Lending a helping hand before the start of the race

Lending a helping hand before the start of the race

I hope she got the prize for the best dressed green

Being green is serious business fun

Get set...

Get set…

I doubt I would have seen this building if I was driving past

Interesting Design. I doubt I would have seen this building if I was driving past.

More green people

More green people

Another monster captured

Another monster captured

Afterwards, I went to the gym and got my spinning fix

What a lovely view to see while spinning :-)

What a lovely view to see while spinning 🙂

Hope you had a nice weekend? And your week is going well so far?

Last Weekend…

I had a very good 4 day weekend last weekend.

A friend, her hubby and 2 daughters spent 3 days with us. When she was pregnant with the first daughter, I used to sit next to her at work and feel the baby kick anytime she ate ice-cream….. And now the girls are almost 11 and almost 10 – according to them 🙂 😉

Last time I saw them was in 2008 (though we chat and email quite often).  I liked having them around because even though my hubby was officially meeting them for the first time properly, we all got along real good and chatted for hours on all the days they were with us. On the last night, after the husbands went to bed, my friend and I chatted  from 1am to 3.30am and it was just what I needed. Food for my soul. The down side was I had a race that was starting at 6.40 (or so I thought, because it apparently started at 6.30), so I was out of the house by 5.40am. Would I have gone to bed earlier rather than have our chat, NOPE!!!!!

On arrival, I asked the girls what they wanted to do while here, the almost 11 wanted to go shopping, the almost 10 wanted to do whatever daddy wanted to do…

…so we went sightseeing


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Then shopping

Taken in one of the dressing rooms during our shopping trip

One of the dressing rooms during our last shopping trip

Another dressing room in the shop above. The girls (and the adults) were in pink heaven

Another dressing room in the shop above. The girls (and the adults) were in pink paradise

The other side of the dressing room above

We baked muffins twice (sadly, no picture evidence, but they were yummy and fluffy vanilla muffins)

During this period, I went for 2 step classes and did my first 10km of the year.

Enroute to the 10KM starting line

Enroute to the 10KM starting line, don’t be deceived by the sun it was just after 6am 😉

10km Finito- with my medal :-)Interestingly, I did my best time ever in the race...

10km Finito- with my medal 🙂
Interestingly, I did my best time ever in the race…

I was sad to see them leave

Saying goodbye at the airportSob :-(  Sob :-(

Sob 😦 Sob 😦
PS: I don’t even know if one is allowed to take pictures here, but I used zoom I guess the guards could never figure out the pictures I was taking 😉

All in all I was happy to have been able to spend that time with them.
How was you week?  Any big weekend plans?
Have a nice and restful weekend xxx